Release Notes

Latest version:

Version 84 (May 2024)

Feature update:

Security Authentication report : User default MFA method now in focus in the report

Microsoft documentation:

Bug fix:

Reset of all default filter settings in app


Deletion of historical data made more efficient.

Previous releases:

Version 81 (May 2024)

Feature update:

Users, Licenses and security reports: Added on-premises SAM account name to column picker

Application Sign-ins report: Added sign-in type (interactive or non-interactive) as filter and as field in column picker

Bug fix:

Applications usage report: Added department to column picker

Optimizing tables to reduce refresh time in Power BI semantic model

Version 79 (April 2024)

Feature update:

Added support to filter on Employee hire and Employee leave dates in Users - Drilldown report

Added support to filter on many attributes to refine both dashboards and drilldown reports. These filters are available in the built-in filter menu in Power BI

Version 75 (April 2024)

Several changes in the Power BI semantic model to avoid possible errors in large datasets.

Added filter options on Application - Sign-in locations report

A few improvements related to search in slicer menu

Version 74 (April 2024)

Bug fix related to MFA information on the Security Authentication page.

Some customers faced issues with Power BI data refresh due to duplicate values.

Version 73 (March 2024) :

Optimizing data refresh time and simplify data model

Removed total value of licenses in Microsoft Licenses - Subscription overview

Version 72 (March 2024) :

Bug fix:

Microsoft Licenses Subscriptions - Now displays all subscriptions regardless of cost saving potential

Version 71 (March 2024) :


Users - Properties - to show more user properties over time

Bug fixes:

Subscription details - Fixed issues in calculation of unassigned licenses and cost savings and missing subscriptions due to date formats

Users drilldown - Added more attributes in column selector

General - Fixed formatting and typos in the report

Version 67 (January 2024):




  • Service Principals and Managed Identities

  • Applications drilldown

General improvements:

  • Improved Power BI refresh time

  • Filtering options on extension attributes and user source (cloud or on-premises)

Last updated