Give Access to the Power BI Workspace

Giving access to the workspace where Bsure Insights is installed is another option.

Giving access to the workspace is something you may choose to do if there are other users that need to administer the Bsure Insights app in your organization. For normal end user access, sharing the app only is sufficient.

  1. Go to Power BI (

  2. Select Workspaces in the menu, and go to the workspace where you installed Bsure insights.

  3. Go to Manage access

  4. Select Add people or groups

  5. Add the users or groups you want to give access to. In this example I add one user with Viewer permissions, and one with Admin permissions. Select Add.

  6. When permissions are added, go back to confirm they are added as expected.

Learn more about roles in Power Bi workspaces here:

Learn more about collaborating in Power BI workspaces in general here: